Italian Gelato
Focusing on the key differences between Gelato and Ice Cream. For many, these two words have been wrongly used as the same. We know that sugar can make us go crazy but unfortunately, too much of it is not very good for our health.
For this and many other reasons, gelato is way better than ice cream. It definitely contains less sugar, the texture is much softer and creamier than ice cream, making it richer in flavor for our healthy people. Gelato only contains 7% fat, half of what regular ice cream does.
Every morning at Gelato NIKMAT, the gelato chefs follow the traditional Italian family recipe to prepare artisanal gelato in the laboratory and serve happiness straight to your sofa.

Two Italian guys, Niccolo (Nik) and Matteo (Mat), living in Southeast Asia since years, always starving for their missing childhood memories: daily afternoon break enjoying their uncle’s artisanal gelato. Such great memories.
Once they met each other in KL and shared the same memories. They both shouted together:
"Let's do it here!"

Promo Launch
Extra-size 120ml for an endless daily pleasure to eat by yourself or to share between siblings.
Named as main Italian cities with a Special discounted price, will bring your mind around the most famous European peninsula, from north to south, enjoying different flavor every day for a tasting & mind journey experience.
Vanilla flavor, part of any City Box. For your self-made affogato dessert.
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